//m.mountainsine.com 三维科学, 无限可能! Tue, 31 Dec 2024 07:59:06 +0000 zh-CN hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=3.9.40 英国国防部宣布颠覆性的钛金属3D打印计划,Metalysis获得更多投资 //m.mountainsine.com/?p=11781 //m.mountainsine.com/?p=11781#comments Sat, 31 Mar 2018 02:37:35 +0000 http://www.51shape.com/?p=11781 根据空客增材制造路线图负责人Jonathan Meyer ,来自Metalysis的低成本电解金属粉末的生产可以改变基于增材制造定向能量沉积(DED)工艺的粉末冶金和粉末经济性。 


block 从70美金一公斤到2.5美元一公斤的工艺成本?


由创新英国(Innovate UK)资助的快速锻造(FAST-forge)计划旨在开发一种更便宜和更丰富的钛粉制造工艺。这种更低成本的钛粉3D打印材料将进一步打开钛在增材制造领域的市场空间。

早些时候,英国国防部长Gavin Williamson就该项目提供了进一步细节,“我们的武装部队从尖端核潜艇和战斗机再到与人类生命健康相关的植入物都在使用钛,但钛金属在生产时间和成本方面都不具备优势,这局限了钛的使用。”快速锻造(FAST-forge)计划将通过“开创性的方法”来重新定义钛金属的成本。


谢菲尔德大学材料科学与工程系的Nick Weston博士是快速锻造(FAST-forge)计划的领导者之一,他表示:“FAST-forge是一种颠覆性技术,可以使钛金属粉末直接以近净形的方式制造成为锻造性能的零件。


这项研究还获得英国Porton Down国防科学技术实验室(Dstl)的支持。 根据Dstl的材料科学首席科学家Matthew Lunt,这个计划可能将钛零件的生产成本降低高达50%。随着成本的降低,可以在潜艇中使用钛,不仅提高耐腐蚀性能还可以延长使用寿命,在或者可以用于轻型装甲车等领域。





具体来说,Metalysis使用的FFC工艺是Derek Fray、Tom Farthing和George Chen于1997年在剑桥大学发明并命名的。该技术主要用电在一种熔盐中将金属氧化物一步变成金属。与AP&C需要高纯度的金属丝为原材料不同,Metalysis的专有技术可以使用金红石直接将钛金属电解成粉末状。宣称,其专有的技术比常规的钛粉制造公司使用更少的能源,至少可节省50%的能源。



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EOS强势推出两个新的金属材料 //m.mountainsine.com/?p=669 //m.mountainsine.com/?p=669#comments Sat, 27 Sep 2014 13:16:18 +0000 http://www.51shape.com/?p=669 3D打印技术的先行者EOS推出新的材料:钛(Titanium Ti64ELI )和不锈钢(StainlessSteel 316L)。

钛(Titanium Ti64ELI )是一种轻金属合金,具有耐腐蚀性和生物相容性。用这种材料通过增材制造出来的产品具有相当于 ASTM F136的化学成分和力学性能,该合金可在EOSINT M280进行金属激光烧结3D打印,成品由于其良好的生物相容性和高纯度,非常适合用于医疗行业。

不锈钢(StainlessSteel 316L)具有生物相容性和耐腐蚀性等,化学成分对应ASTM f138,同样适合医疗行业,该合金特别适合手术器械,内窥镜手术,骨科植入物。



EOS的金属产品经理Christiane Krempl表示:“在增材制造领域更广泛应用各种钛和不锈钢材料反映不断变化的需求,并且为客户开辟了新的领域。”

(3D科学谷编译自tctmagazine, 欢迎转载,转载请连接至www.51shape.com)

Market-leading metal additive manufacturing company EOS has announced the introduction of two new metal materials into its portfolio.

The 3D printing technology forerunner has added EOS Titanium Ti64ELI and EOS StainlessSteel 316L to its offering.

The former is a light metal alloy that is corrosion resistant and biocompatible. Parts built using EOS Titanium Ti64 have a chemical composition and mechanical properties corresponding to ASTM F136 and provide a high-detailed resolution to builds. This alloy can be processed on an EOSINT M280 metal laser sintering system and has proven to be corrosion resistant. Due to its biocompatibility and high-grade purity, it is very well-suited for additive manufacturing in the medical sector.

EOS StainlessSteel 316L is biocompatible and corrosion resistant as well, and has been optimised especially for processing on the EOSINT M280 metal laser sintering system. It shows a good level of corrosion resistance and high ductility. Parts built from EOS StainlessSteel 316L have a chemical composition corresponding to ASTM F138 and in the medical industry, this alloy is particularly suited for surgical instruments, endoscopic surgery, orthopedics and implants.

The new EOS StainlessSteel 316L is also well suited to the watch and jewellery-making sector, where the designer can benefit from the added freedom of shaping and structural integrity this material afford. Parts such as watch cases – thanks to defined hollow spaces – can be manufactured more cost-efficiently and easily, saving resources. The material is also well suited for additive manufacturing applications such as spectacle frames or functional elements in yachts. In the aerospace industry, EOS StainlessSteel is also a good choice for the manufacture of clamping elements or heat exchangers. Parts manufactured from that material can be mechanically post-processed or polished.

Product Manager for Metals at EOS Christiane Krempl stated: “A broader variety of titanium and stainless steel materials mirrors the ever-changing requirements among our customers and opens up new fields of application.”

(3D科学谷编译自tctmagazine, 欢迎转载,转载请连接至www.51shape.com)

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